Friday, April 9, 2010

Finland's high test scores

Is Finland's big secret the high socio-economics, the two teachers in the classroom or the shorter work day? I'd love to hear from you all about what you think!

1 comment:

  1. From the girl without kids...

    What really struck me was the part of the segment when they were talking to the headmaster. They continually talked about trust. The community (and political leaders) trust that those trained in education are the best equiped (and potentially the most knowledgable) to make educational choices. There is also a trust of the teachers in the classroom, and then a trust of the students. I know I perform better in my career when I'm trusted.

    I'm sure the cultural regard of education doesn't hurt at all either (maybe why there is so much trust at least of education officials and teachers). Parental involvement in the educational process early on has to be a huge factor. And that it is such a highly regard career that they can screen and get the best into education. Fabulous!
