Sunday, April 4, 2010

Why I love the school my children attend.

I love our school for many reasons but one of them is that both children feel at home there. They walk in the door and it is as if they were coming home. Olivia exudes confidence as she greets her friends in the morning and is often very upset if she is too sick to go to school. She is eager to enter the class in the morning to find out what the morning message might ask her to begin the day contemplating. I have seen her struggle to find her voice socially at times (as all of us must do at some point) but then round a corner to find her true self again because adults are there to model competence and guide her through the process. She has been taught that she can handle this complicated world through tools and techniques taught in the peace curriculum, and also through the sense of empowerment she has been given through choosing her own works to complete each day. The adults in the environment have given her the time and opportunity to learn through discovery as well as make adjustments with self-correcting materials rather than from an adult always pointing out her mistakes. She may not be able to recite all of her multiplication tables from rote, but she understands the concept of multiplying deeply from touching, seeing and working with them. She has a sense of wonder about the world that I hope she never loses because of the awesome curriculum she has been exposed to regarding the big ideas in our universe.

My toddler has a similar confidence as he enters the school. He has grown up in this environment where the adults have studied and understand the developmental stages he is traversing. At this time he is experimenting with asserting his independence and autonomy from others. He is given the opportunity to express his thoughts and is listened to when he talks (or yells or screams). I have not experienced this level of reverence and respect for a two year old in any other place. Everyone is there to help nurture this growing being by using positive reinforcement, peace and love. His teachers observe his behaviors closely to determine what his sensitive periods are on a daily(or momentary) basis. They create new works or rearrange the entire classroom not only for him, but for the other young explorers in his class as well. He trusts himself and believes he can do anything all by himself. The adults in his life allow him to try. They also make it possible for him to succeed in his endeavors.

While these are not the only reasons I love their school, they are huge to me. I would love to hear from other people this week about what they love about the school their children attend. Also, feel free to add your thoughts to prior posts. Happy Spring!

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